

The persimmon is an edible sweet, slightly tangy fruit with a soft to occasionally fibrous texture. This species, native to China, is deciduous, with broad, stiff leaves. It was first cultivated in China more than 2000 years ago, and introduced to Japan in the 7th century and to Korea in the ...

Flavonoid-rich foods lower blood pressure via gut bacteria

Berries might offer protection against a range of health conditions. Jovo Jovanovic/Stocksy Red wine and fruits such as berries, apples, and pears are rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, which may protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. A ...

Mulberry season: what are the benefits of this delicious summer fruit?

Mulberries are juicy and slightly tart and bring many benefits to health. There are three varieties: white, from Eastern and Central China, red (American), from the American East, and black mulberry, which originates in West Asia. Mulberry trees are broad-leaved and grow in the warm, ...


Without a doubt, the cherries are one of our favourite fruits and we are absolutely delighted that they are in season, and we can enjoy them to the max. Not only are they delicious, but they are greatly beneficial too!   The cherries are rich in: provitamin A, vitamins from ...

Recipe for strawberry shake for weight loss

The shakes are a good choice for weight loss but should be taken twice a day at the most since they do not provide all nutrients that the body needs. Recipe for strawberry shake This recipe for a strawberry shake for weight loss is great for breakfast or as an afternoon ...

Caramelised bananas flambe

Ingredients 1-2 bananas 50 g butter 3 tbsp brown sugar 1-2 pinches cinnamon 1 tbsp lemon juice 60 ml rum 2 tbsp banana liqueur (you can add another liqueur or not add any at all if there isn’t any ...

Banana shake

Ingredients bananas – 1 milk – 500 ml honey – 1-2 tsp lemon juice – a few drops ice – 2-3 cubes ice-cream – 2 vanilla flavoured scoops (not obligatory) ...

Which fruit should you eat every day?

If you trying to find out which fruit will provide you all kinds of nutrients in one serving, the answer is below. Eating fruits regularly has multiple benefits to health, especially if you eat a variety of fruits. But if you are looking for the best fruit, one that will ...

The Multiple Benefits of Garlic

The garlic contains phosphorus, calcium, iron, sulphur, chlorine, аllicin and allylcysteine. It is beneficial to those suffering from diabetes - a disease that can cause harm to the kidneys, the nervous system, the heart and the eyes. The garlic oil is useful in the treatment of thе side effects ...

Golden autumn with aromatic quinces: 12 benefits of our favourite fruit

We couldn't speak of autumn without mentioning quinces! They are the most typical fruit for the season - aromatic, delicious and very beneficial. This autumn fruit originated notably in the Caucasus, Iran and Armenia and was brought to Europe by the ancient Greeks.