
Yellow Grenadilla

Yellow Grenadilla Homeland of this plant, as well as other types of passionflower, are the subtropical and tropical zones of America - Brazil. Currently, fruits of the yellow passion flower are grown in Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the USA (California and ...


An extraordinary fruit rich in nutrients, a main ingredient in irresistible jams, popularly known as amrood in Hindi and scientifically known as Psidium Guajava. It's a guava. This amazing fruit is extremely rich in lycopene, vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for the skin. The fruit ...

The magical properties of the pumpkin

Pumpkin is similar in nutritional composition to vegetables, but has seeds like fruits, so it is often called a "fruit vegetable." This deliciousness is not relevant only at Christmas, it is available all winter long, it is kept cool for a long time. Pumpkin is extremely useful, so it ...


Kiwifruit can quickly improve mental health, say New Zealand scientists, quoted by the electronic publication MedicalExpress. This fruit has proven to be a powerful mood enhancer, and new research from New Zealand's University of Otago has shown that its effects can be quite ...

Why we should all eat a few dates before bed

When we talk about dried fruits, we immediately think of dates. They are among the oldest fruits known to man. For nearly 4 thousand years in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East, the fruits of the date palm have been harvested, which after drying become our well-known dates. This ...

Nature's winter gift: 7 great benefits of eating persimmons

Sweet, aromatic and very, very tasty. We meet her on the stands in stores and in the markets every winter. Did you remember who she is? Yes, the paradise apple. There are more than two thousand varieties of it in nature, but only a few of them are invariably loved and sought after by people. It ...

Don't throw away tangerine peels - here are their benefits

Tangerines are fresh, tasty, aromatic, and also very useful. The little orange sun cheers up with its appearance, color and aroma - cheerful, warm, sweet. It turns out that the phytoncides and essential oils contained in the peel of orange fruits not only give a great mood, but also help fight ...

Currant collects the most vitamins in one place

Cassis is all of this, but also much more: The fresh fruit, but also the syrups help to strengthen the immune system, Prevention of some of the most terrible diseases, the causes of which are difficult to isolate - cancer, diabetes, heart attack. Due to potassium, ...

The healthiest fruits: What are the top seven in the ranking

The fact is undeniable that the body will find it difficult to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals without the participation of fruits in our daily diet. We will not go into detail about how useful they are, but we will indicate those that have been determined as "most useful" ...

6 Health Benefits of Eating Pears

Pears are low in fat and calories. On the other hand, they are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber 1. For easier breathing. In Chinese medicine, pears are used for lung diseases. Practitioners claim that on hot summer days, mucus may appear in the lungs, leading to shortness of ...