Nutritional value of grapes

To understand what the benefits of consumption are, it is good to look at the composition of its grains. Purple and red grapes are richer in antioxidants and beneficial compounds than white grapes. In 100 g of fruit we find: • 69 calories • 18 g carbohydrates (1 g fiber) • 1 g of proteins The useful vitamins and minerals in 100 g of fruit have the following percentage content compared to the recommended daily intake: • Vitamin K – 14% • Vitamin C – 10% • Vitamin B6 – 7% • Vitamin B1 – 6% • Vitamin B2 – 6% • Copper – 6% • Potassium – 4% • Iron – 2% Other beneficial compounds we find are phosphorus, zinc, calcium, manganese, iron and calcium. In addition to the beneficial ingredients, each grain is made up of 81% water. Health benefits The high content of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber ensures numerous benefits for the body.

 1. Strengthens the cardiovascular system The polyphenols in grapes help strengthen blood vessels and reduce plaque build-up in the arteries. Vitamin K, which we also find in abundance in this fruit, helps the blood to clot properly and prevents internal bleeding. As a result of these positive effects, blood vessels retain their elasticity and healthy functionality. Grapes have a number of heart and circulatory benefits that manifest in a variety of ways.

 2. Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol Grapes contain potassium, a valuable mineral that is responsible for the proper regulation of blood pressure. Taking healthy doses of it with food can ensure this important balance. Potassium widens the arteries and prevents their narrowing, which contributes to lowering blood pressure. In addition, the small amount of sodium in grapes is useful in a high blood pressure diet that limits its intake. Studies show that regular consumption of red grapes reduces the absorption of cholesterol and lowers its levels in the body.

 3. Combating oxidative stress Grapes are a particularly rich source of antioxidants. With their help, the negative impact of free radicals, which cause damage to cells and oxidative stress to tissues, is reduced. This internal stress is linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart problems. The highest content of antioxidants is found in the outer skin and seeds. Varieties differ in the amount of antioxidants, but it can be said that all types carry these benefits. The beneficial substances are preserved even after the fermentation process, which means that we can find an abundance of antioxidants in the wine as well.

 4. Anti-cancer effects Antioxidants have a role in preventing the onset of cancer. The beneficial compound resveratrol is found in grapes and wine. It blocks the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. Other antioxidants that we find in the fruit also carry researched anti-cancer effects. Regular consumption of grapes has been shown in clinical studies to reduce the risks of colon, pancreatic, prostate, mouth and throat cancer

. 5. Regulates blood sugar and prevents diabetes Despite the large amount of carbohydrates and sugars that we find in grapes, the glycemic index of the fruit is low to medium. This means that blood sugar rises slowly after consumption. Grapes benefit insulin resistance by protecting the pancreas, balancing blood sugar levels and preventing complications from diabetes.

 6. Strengthens eyesight In several studies, a positive effect on vision and improvement of the function and health of the retina, which is thickened and strengthened, is noted. Resveratrol, like some of the other antioxidants, protects retinal cells from damage from ultraviolet light. They also prevent diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic eye complications. This helps us stay with good vision and healthy eyes throughout our life.

 7. Improves brain and cognitive functions Studies have shown that eating grapes improves scores on tests measuring attention, memory and language abilities. In addition, benefits were seen in mood, motor function and cognitive speed to perform the tests. Quercetin – an antioxidant responsible for the purple and red color of grape seeds – has been shown to protect against neurodegenerative diseases. This positive influence on the brain and central nervous system can protect against Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and inflammatory processes in the brain.

8. Strengthens the bone system The minerals in grapes - potassium, manganese, magnesium, vitamins B, C and K help prevent osteoporosis, which is characterized by brittle and easily broken bones. Resveratrol also increases bone density and improves calcium absorption. A significant loss of bone density is observed in menopausal women, therefore regular consumption or additional intake of resveratrol has a beneficial effect on the bone system and thus prevents serious fractures.

 9. Protects against bacteria and fungi Several of the compounds in grapes have proven antibacterial properties. Resveratrol, for example, blocks the growth of certain types of bacteria and fungi. This compound prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and is added to various types of food to make them last longer. Other compounds with antimicrobial properties have the ability to destroy the cell walls of bacteria. The content of vitamin C has a good effect on the immune system, DNA repair, serotonin synthesis and collagen production.

 10. Slows down aging Beneficial plant compounds in grapes can slow the body's external and internal aging processes. Reduced oxidative stress and antimicrobial properties improve the body's quality of life. Resveratrol has been shown to activate parts of DNA that are associated with longer life.

 11. It has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair Grape extracts are used in many cosmetic products because they have the ability to protect against the sun's ultraviolet rays and increase collagen production. In addition to maintaining the fresh appearance of the skin, the greater amount of collagen has a good effect on the healing of wounds, acne and skin inflammations. Resveratrol protects follicles from external damage and promotes hair growth.

 12. Improves digestion Grapes are a source of fiber, and in its composition there is 81% water. Dehydration and the small amount of fiber we eat can contribute to stomach discomfort and constipation. Eating this fruit regularly can help get rid of digestive problems. 13. Aids restful sleep Grape skin contains melatonin, which is the natural sleep hormone. An hour or two before bed is the perfect time to eat a handful or two of grapes and naturally increase the quality of your sleep.