
An extraordinary fruit rich in nutrients, a main ingredient in irresistible jams, popularly known as amrood in Hindi and scientifically known as Psidium Guajava. It's a guava. This amazing fruit is extremely rich in lycopene, vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for the skin. The fruit is also rich in manganese, folate and potassium. By consuming guava, you will keep the doctor away. With its intoxicating strong and sweet aroma, this fruit is popular not only for its distinct taste but also for the health benefits it offers. Improves immunity Guava fruit is one of the richest sources of vitamin C.

It contains four times more vitamin C than the content of the same vitamin in oranges. This helps improve immunity and protects the body from common infections and pathogens. It also reduces the likelihood of scurvy where vitamin C deficiency is the cause. It is useful for diabetics One intake of guava a day can help patients who suffer from diabetes. It has a high level of dietary fiber. Guava helps control the body's absorption of sugar. Studies show that consuming this super fruit can help prevent type-2 diabetes.

 Reduces the risk of cancer The high content of vitamin C and polyphenols in guava have an anti-cancer and anti-tumor effect on the body. The oil contained in the leaves has anti-proliferative substances. It is used in modern medicines to reduce tumor formations. Take care of the brain

 Another benefit of guava is the presence of vitamins B3 and B6, vitamin E. Vitamin B3, which is also known as niacin, increases blood flow. It also boosts cognitive function. Vitamin B6 is great for nerve function. Therefore, eat guava for better concentration and focus.

 Provides relaxation Guava contains magnesium, which helps the muscles and nerves in the human body to relax from a stressful and tiring day. Excellent stress reliever! Increases your energy and performance!