
The health benefits of figs

By Jo Lewin - Registered Nutritionist. One of the world’s oldest trees, the fig tree can be traced back to the earliest historical documents and features prominently in the Bible. Figs are native to the Middle East and Mediterranean and were held in such high regard by the Greeks ...

5 reasons why to eat lemons every day

Lemons contain Vitamin C in big doses The lemons are the richest in Vitamin C citrus fruit. The juice from a single lemon covers one's daily need of vitamin C. The lemon peel contains nearly double the amount of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that ...

The most beneficial fruits

American scientists have researched the fruits and vegetables of highest nutritional value and have identified those containing the most vitamins, minerals, fibre and proteins. The first place is taken by the citruses and the second by the strawberries. On the top of the list we find ...

The incredible benfits of apples

If you wonder which fruit you could eat at any time of the year, one that has many benefits and an amazing  effect on health, choose the apple. It is not only tasty and juicy but is also really good for you. Apples are a rich source of polyphenols. Polyphenols are a big ...

Intersting facts about the lemon

What else do we not know about the lemon? Here are seven interesting facts about the lemon:  The softer one is so much better  When we say 'soft' for a fruit or vegetable, we usually think of it as overripe. However, as far as lemons are ...

Interesting facts about the pineapple

  - The word pineapple comes from the Spanish word piña and in 1398 its meaning was pine cone. - The Europeans discovered the pineapple in 1493 on the Caribbean Island of Guadalupe. - The first attempts of the Europeans to cultivate the fruit were ...

Tangerines in winter

The tangerines have natural antiseptic properties that can protect the body from staphylococci – the most dreaded bacteria, responsible for the spread of sepsis. The essential oil from tangerines contains specific ingredients that act against the staphylococci and ...

5 reasons why you should drink water with grapefruit

Without any doubt drinking a cup of water with some lemon in it is beneficial in many ways. But there is another toning drink that accelerates the metabolism in a similar way and that is water with grapefruit. It is said that the grapefruit puts the stomach in order and ...

6 Reasons Why You Should Eat the Most Beneficial Fruit of the World

Despite the fact that you can often see titles like this which would indeed be making references to a variety of fruits, it looks like dates really do have the widest spectrum of benefits to health and nutrition: they are great  for treating anaemia; they reduce the levels of ...

10 benefits to health of the avocado that will make you want to add it to your menu

Some of the nutrients in 100 g avocado: •    Vitamin K - 26% RDA •    Folate - 20% RDA   •    Vitamin C - 17% RDA •    Potassium -  14% RDA •   ...