The incredible benfits of apples

If you wonder which fruit you could eat at any time of the year, one that has many benefits and an amazing  effect on health, choose the apple. It is not
only tasty and juicy but is also really good for you.

Apples are a rich source of polyphenols. Polyphenols are a big family of antioxidants that protect the DNA and the cell membranes and are so preventing
mutations that lead to cancer. They have a very good anti-inflammatory effect, prevent from cardiocvascular diseases by increasing the so-called 'good
cholesterol' and at the same time reduce the fats in blood vessels and fight inflammation.  

In this regard, in order to get the maximum benefit of apples,
don't peel them.

Apples are great for you if you are on a diet. They contain a lot of fibre and water. Besides that, they satiate hunger.

This wonderful fruit contains pectin as well. It is in highest concentration around the seeds so if you boil the apples, don't remove the seeds. The pectin
has many benefits: it reduces the concentarion of cholesterol and the level of sugar in the blood, improves the function of the colon, prevents the formation
of gall-stones and egests the bilious acids, takes a hold of heavy metals and detoxifies the system. It is very beneficial for the strengthening of blood
vessels, teeth and nails. Its effect on health is also observed during antiobiotic intake as it reduces the side effects.

As a result of  multiple researches (due to being a fruit rich in antioxidants), the apples are now recommended for higher bone density and maintaining a
healthy bone system. Apples have a significant effect on bones since they increase the bone density and strength.

The everyday consumption of apples provokes the synthesis of higher quantities of fatty acids by bacteria in the stomach and intestines. This helps maintain
perfect acid-alkaline conditions for the balance of microorganisms in your system.

If you want to be more energetic, eat an apple after training. The apple
improves the absorption of oxygen in the lungs.