Intersting facts about the lemon

What else do we not know about the lemon? Here are seven interesting facts about the lemon: 

The softer one is so much better 
When we say 'soft' for a fruit or vegetable, we usually think of it as overripe. However, as far as lemons are concerned, it is better to choose the fruit that is heavy and slightly soft  when pressed. It shouldn't matter if it is greenish, because the yellow colour doesn't necessarily mean that it is ripe. Avoid lemons with brown spots - they are not the best choice. 

Natural cleaning properties 
Use lemon to clean objects made of brass, copper and stainless steel. They will shine up! Lemons can even help you make your hair and skin brighter. You have freckels? It is time you go to pick some lemons from the nearest shop! 

The microwave helps 
If you have bought a very hard lemon, simply put it in the microwave for 20 seconds and it will be perfect! If you want to squeeze more juice out of a lemon, press it with your palms a little before you cut it. Sprinkle some sugar on this healthy fruit and enjoy!  

Vitamin C 
If you eat one lemon a day, you will receive the full daily dose of vitamin C! That means, of course, that you will have to eat all of the lemon, not just drink the juice. Some people can eat lemons like oranges or apples, but, surely, for most that is excessive. Vitamin C helps stimuate the immune system, i.e. reduces the risk of colds! 

Lemons are available all year round 
Lemon trees give fruit all year round! A single tree can bear 500-600 lemons in a year's time! 

Lemons keep well  
Lemons last about 2 weeks at room temperature and up to 6 weeks in the fridge. That is in case they have not been cut. If you do cut a lemon, do not forget to sprinkle sugar on it - then it could last several months in the fridge. 

Lemons help lose weight 
Lemons help detioxify your system. Besides that, they boost your energy. In the moning, drink a cup of hot water with a few lemon slices in it. And during the day, drink tea with lemon. This will help you lose weight! Don't add sugar, though!