Amazing Blood Orange Benefits
That Will Astonish You Blood oranges are citrus fruits, often known for their vibrant color and dark, purple flesh. They get their unique hue from certain compounds known as anthocyanins, including chrysanthemin. Thanks to their rich stores of essential antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this ...
Kiwi and its unexpected health benefits Improves sleep, reduces stress and takes care of the heart
Kiwi is increasingly attracting the attention of healthy eating enthusiasts. This small but powerful fruit is filled with many beneficial substances that can support health in various ways. In this text, we will examine the history, nutritional composition, as well as the unexpected benefits of ...
How to Store Apples Over Winter
Unfortunately, apples will start to lose their fresh flavor when left on the counter or in the fruit bowl. The good news is that if you store them properly, you can enjoy them for months.
Choose the right apples for storage - sweeter varieties are best. Apple varieties picked late in ...
The magic of roasted chestnuts - super health benefits
The magic of roasted chestnuts - super health benefits
It's autumn and time for a portion of aromatic, tasty and very useful, roasted chestnuts. Despite their small size, they are packed with a variety of nutrients. One serving provides: only 206 calories, but protein, fiber, ...
Cherimoya represents the fruit of the Annona cherimola tree, which belongs to the Annonaceae family. The apple is also known as the golden Peruvian apple. The forest in the valley of the Andes is more than 1500 meters above sea level. It spreads from Peru to Colombia, in Australia, California, ...
The healthiest vegetable
Science reveals the truth There are many superfoods in the world of healthy eating, but one green stands tall thanks to its impressive nutritional profile and numerous health benefits. Watercress, with its small leaves and spicy taste, may seem unassuming, but it offers a wealth of vitamins, ...
Nutritional value of grapes
To understand what the benefits of consumption are, it is good to look at the composition of its grains.
How eggplants help regulate weight and take care of heart health Eggplants are one of the most valued vegetables in cooking because of their rich nutritional value. Not only do they add flavor and texture to a variety of dishes, but they also offer a host of health benefits. Here are some of the ...
The amazing benefits of cucumbers
1. They are rich in nutrients - Cucumbers contain many important vitamins and minerals. 300 g of raw cucumber contains: - Calories: 45 - Total fat: 0 g - Carbohydrates: 11 g - Protein: 2 g - Fiber: 2 g - Vitamin C: 14% of the recommended daily intake - Vitamin K: 62% of the recommended daily ...
5 interesting facts about tomatoes
Tomatoes are a very rich source of antioxidants. Since the main carotenoid, the organic pigment in tomatoes - lycopene, is fat-soluble (that is, for its absorption, which happens more slowly, there must be fat in the food), it is good to season the tomatoes with olive oil or another healthy ...