The little-known facts about bananas

The bananas are beneficial and satiate hunger well

They are a wonderful alternative for breakfast, even when you don't have any time or a chance to even wash your hands.

This yellow fruit can save us from hunger on a busy day.

These favourite fruits, without being too big, provide our systems with massive doses of the vitamisn C, E, B and PP, as well as a set of macro and micro elements.

Eating bananas relieves depression because the body starts producing more endorphins.


The zinc in bananas prevents the formation of pimples and skin irritation. The more bananas you eat, the sooner your skin will stop peeling and regain its moisture because of the high quantity of vitamin E in them.


There is a lot of fibre in bananas which help eliminate digestive problems and the regular constipation.

Weight loss

The yellow fruits have a lot of calories. Nevertheless, they are a healthier breakfast option compared to wholegrain bread and even low-fat milk. At the same time, they satiate hunger for  long which stops us from snacking too often.


Thanks to the potassium and magnesium in bananas, they strengthen the heart muscle. It is recommendable to eat bananas after training and exercises because of their ability to neutralise the lactic acid.


If you are constantly in front of a computer you have to eat a at least one banana a day. It will stop the changes to eye muscles related to ageing.


Believe it or not, bananas prevent anemia. They have a big amount of iron, which does not only cure this insidious disease, but also helps dry skin, hair loss and brittle nails and at the same time stimulates the body's fighting mechanisms.

Blood pressure

The variation of blood pressure is due to an imbalance of potassium. The bananas can restore the deficit very quickly. People with hypertension should carry a banana with them every day.

For women

Bananas are priceless for women. They relieve pain during menstruation and help the body accumulate useful vitamins. Therefore, eat bananas regularly!