Why we should eat more oranges in winter

The oranges are among the most delicious and loved fruits in winter. They are full of good substances and vitamins.

They originate in East Asia - India, Vietnam and South China, and were most likely brought to Europe in the XIV century by Portuguese seafarers.

This citrus fruit is probably a hybrid between a pomelo and a tangerine.

The orange is also known as the fruit of gods. It is believed that the golden apples that the Hesperides gifted to Hercules in gratitude for saving their garden were indeed oranges. So, it seems, we should have more of this fruit.

Here is why we should eat more oranges:

The orange has much more fibre than most fruits and vegetables.

The fruit has vitamin C which protects the cells and neutralizes the free radicals. It is indeed the free radicals that are responsible for a number of chronic diseases, including diseases of the heart and cancer.

The oranges make the heart stronger because they have a high amount of potassium. The low levels of potassium in the body lead to disturbances in the heart rhythm known as arrhythmia. They regulate the high blood pressure and reduce the risk of liver cancer.

The polyphenols in oranges protect our bodies from viral infections. Regular consumption of orange juice stops renal disorders and reduces the risk of kidney stones

The orange, which predominates on the market this season, is a citrus well known to all Bulgarians. It has the vitamins C, B1, PP, B2 and A, as well as phosphor, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, citric and ascorbic acid, thiamine and pectin.

Due to their beneficial properties, the oranges can enhance the function of the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

The pulp of the citrus is an excellent means for speeding the process of healing of wounds. There are phytoncides in orange juice that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and are successfully used to treat scurvy. 

Scientists have proved that orange juice has a toning effect and stimulates metabolism.

The orange is also distinguished for having citric acid which prevents the accumulation of nitrates and nitrites.

The orange oil is also well known for its many beneficial properties. It is derived from the orange peel and the leaves and blossoms of orange trees. Both bitter and sweet oranges are used to make the oil because they differ in aroma and active ingredients.

The orange oil has antibacterial, deodorising, toning, antiseptic and antispasmoic properties. It is particularly beneficial for depression, anorexia, improving appetite, sharpening the sight and reducing gum inflammation. It stimulates the excretion of excessive bile and boosts immunity.

The regular consumption of oranges (and specifically the pectin and vegetable fibre in them) helps digestion, improves the function of our intestines, reduces the rotting processes in them and prevents constipation.

The red sweet orange, also known as bloody, is considered very useful for overweight people.

It is also beneficial in cases of vitamin deficiency, hypertension, gout, atherosclerosis, lower acidity of the stomach juices and weak bile secretion.

Regular consumption of orange juice is beneficial to people suffering from diseases of the liver and lungs, as well as those with anaemia and joint diseases.

But an even better effect has been observed with mixed fresh juices, e.g. orange and apple, as both fruits are rich in pectin and have a good effect on the function of the gut. Lemon and orange is another good combination - the perfect vitamin C boost.

Also, due to the ascorbic acid /C6H8O6/ in them, the lemon and orange mixed with honey have a good effect on blood vessels. The drink cleans and strengthens the vessels, brings down the levels of  low density lipoprotein cholesterol and can therefore prevent strokes, stenocardia and heart attack.

You shouldn't take orange oil on its own on empty stomach and not more than 3 drops a day.

In order to avoid high light sensitivity, it is not recommended to go out immediately after applying the oil on the skin. The procedure should be done about an hour before exposing your skin to the sun.

Despite its beneficial properties, the orange is a strong allergen, so depending on one's individual intolerance to the fresh fruit, they should avoid the oil and juice too.

It is considered normal to have a light burning sensation and feel tingling on the stomach, thighs, buttocks and shoulders when you have an orange oil bath.

You shouldn't brush your teeth immediately after eating an orange or drinking orange juice. The acids in citrus fruits soften the tooth enamel and if you use your toothbrush roughly you could initiate a destructive process.