Why we should all eat a few dates before bed

When we talk about dried fruits, we immediately think of dates. They are among the oldest fruits known to man. For nearly 4 thousand years in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East, the fruits of the date palm have been harvested, which after drying become our well-known dates. This fruit has a long history of use for the benefits to the body due to its excellent composition.

Nutritional composition of dates 100 grams of dates contain 280 calories. The fruit is rich in carbohydrates and sugars, mainly glucose and fructose. Therefore, it is an excellent source of energy for the body. The proteins in the dried fruit are ten times more than in the fresh one, which is hard and cannot be eaten. The vitamin content includes all, except vitamin E. In addition, amino acids, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants are included in the composition. The nutritional qualities of dates are preserved throughout the year, along with their taste characteristics. The fruit is useful throughout the day, but there are some specific benefits if eaten in the evening before sleep.

This is why it is good to eat dates in the evening and what they are useful for at the end of the day: Ideal for a more restful sleep Dates contain a lot of vitamin B6 and a lot of potassium - the latter is responsible for regulating the pulse, for the balance of fluids in the body and for relaxing the muscles and muscle spasms. These things taken together contribute to a good night's sleep. To improve the digestive system Dates are distinguished by their high fiber content, which plays a major role in digestion. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a few dates in the evening in case of irregular bowel movements, in order to stimulate the digestive system to work well. The advice for an irregular digestive tract is to put a few dates in water during the day and drink the water before going to bed. It contains all the useful juices for intestinal function. You can also blend the dates and water in a blender and drink it before bed. Dates before sleep balance the weight Dates are a suitable option for losing weight. They satiate, regulate bowel function, balance blood sugar and contain no cholesterol. A few dinner dates are useful for this purpose. They are useful for the brain and give energy The phosphorus content in dates is significant and enhances the functioning of the brain. Therefore, intellectual workers can take a few dates in the evening to have a fresh and clear mind the next day. Energy for the body will come from fructose, sucrose and glucose. A few dates before bed increases the libido A simple recipe for increasing libido is to soak a few dates in a bowl of goat's milk during the day. In the evening, cardamom and honey are added and the liquid is drunk. It is said to increase libido in both men and women.