Recipe for strawberry shake for weight loss

The shakes are a good choice for weight loss but should be taken twice a day at the most since they do not provide all nutrients that the body needs.

Recipe for strawberry shake

This recipe for a strawberry shake for weight loss is great for breakfast or as an afternoon snack as due to its density it satiates hunger, which makes it easier for you to adhere to your diet.

This shake helps weight loss because it contains white bean flour, which is rich in phaseolamin - a protein that inhibits the body’s absorption of carbohydrates, as well as green banana flour, which contains resistant starch, which helps to regulate the blood sugar levels and improves the work of intestines.


  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 cup of plain yoghurt – 180 g
  • 1 tbs white bean flour
  • 1 tbs green banana flour


First blend the strawberries and yoghurt in a blender and then add the white bean and green banana flours.

Nutritional information

Quantity in 1 cup of shake for weight loss (296 g)

Energy 193 calories

Protein 11,1 g

Fats 3.8 g

Carbohydrates 24.4 g

Fibre 5.4 g

You can find the flours for this shake in wholefood stores, but you can also easily make them at home.