The peach - queen of fruits

The peach can easily be called the queen of fruits. It is the second most popular fruit after the apple. Its colour varies from cream yellow to red. In China, where it comes from, it has a mystical significance and brings luck, protection and wealth.

Compared to the nectarine, it is softer, juicier and bigger when ripe.

The peaches are known to have uneven skin so some people prefer to peel them. But there are others who eat them  with the skin on with great pleasure.

Before cooking them, though, the skin has to be removed. The nectarines on the other hand can be cooked with the skin on, and it is recommended that they are grated, not cut into pieces because they are much harder than the peaches.

You will know a peach is ripe if it is soft, especially when lightly pressed.

To remove the skin of the peaches put them into a wire-basket (like one used for frying) and dip them in a big vessel with hot water. Leave them in for 3-5 min. When you take them out, put them in cold water.  Now the blanched  peaches should be easy to peel.