Don't throw away tangerine peels - here are their benefits

Tangerines are fresh, tasty, aromatic, and also very useful. The little orange sun cheers up with its appearance, color and aroma - cheerful, warm, sweet. It turns out that the phytoncides and essential oils contained in the peel of orange fruits not only give a great mood, but also help fight many diseases. The next time you buy tangerines, don't throw away their peels, but wash them thoroughly first. Due to the content of beta carotene, mandarin peel is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The flavonoid hesperidin contained in it protects the body from viruses, inflammation and has anti-allergic properties. The aroma of the essential oil obtained from the peels of ripe tangerines relieves fatigue, suppresses irritability, stimulates the nervous system, soothes and relieves the symptom of an upset stomach. Mandarin essential oil also improves skin tone, tones, refreshes, smoothes wrinkles, helps with oily and combination skin and rashes. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite, especially in combination with neroli and lavender. What are tangerine peels good for?

Bronchitis If bronchitis is bothering you, take three tablespoons of mandarin peel, pour two cups of very hot water, let it boil for several hours and then strain. Add some honey and drink this infusion throughout the day.

Dry cough Tincture of tangerine peels is an excellent expectorant for dry coughs. Pour the peels of one tangerine with a glass of vodka and leave in a dark place for a week. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

A runny nose Tangerine peel will help you with nasal congestion. Place the peel of 2-3 tangerines in a bowl of boiling water. Let it sit for a few minutes, then for 10 minutes inhale the steam rising above the bowl, alternating nostrils.

Diabetes Tangerine peel decoction lowers blood sugar. To prepare it, you need to prepare the skins of three medium-sized fruits and boil them for 10 minutes in a liter of water. Filtering the decoction is not necessary. Put it in the refrigerator and take it every day in the morning and in the evening after meals. Improving digestion

Tangerine peels boost immunity as well as improve appetite and digestion. Grind dry peels into a powder and add to salads, cereals, cottage cheese and other products. This will help get rid of stomach pain or flatulence.

Mushrooms Simply rub your nails and fingers with fresh tangerine peels twice a day.