The healthiest fruits: What are the top seven in the ranking

The fact is undeniable that the body will find it difficult to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals without the participation of fruits in our daily diet. We will not go into detail about how useful they are, but we will indicate those that have been determined as "most useful" because of their composition. Let's see who they are.


In general, apples are full of pectin and fiber, which aid digestion and boost immunity. They are most beneficial when eaten whole, but any other way you consume them, you won't go wrong. The fruit also contains polyphenols, which according to studies, when you include apples in your daily menu, help to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and the development of type 2 diabetes.


Avocados can easily be applauded for their nutritional value. It is an excellent source of monounsaturated fat and vitamin E, as well as a good source of folic acid. They all support the work of the heart. The avocado fruit also provides more fiber than other avocados and contains a number of beneficial minerals, including iron, copper and potassium.


They are another fruit high in pectin. That's why when you eat a banana, you start to feel full, and because of the fiber in it, bloating decreases and has a calming effect on the intestines. In addition to these, bananas also contain another type of fiber that has prebiotic properties - it nourishes the beneficial intestinal bacteria and allows them to multiply.


Anthocyanins are responsible for the rich color of the small fruits, as well as for their protective properties. Despite being low in calories, blackberries have even more vitamin C, folate and fiber than blueberries.

Black currant

Tart in taste, blackcurrants are one of the richest fruits in nutrients for the body. With 30 times more vitamin C and 40% more polyphenols than blueberries, it becomes the star among small fruits. Numerous studies have shown that black currant is beneficial for high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.


Whatever we say about these wild fruits will be little, because unlike their cultivated counterparts, they hide a powerful healing secret. Due to its beneficial properties, according to some healers, wild blueberries are suitable for breakfast, favor the work of the stomach and help in dealing with more serious diseases such as cancer.


Cherries are another valuable source of anthocyanins. They have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, which makes them an ideal companion in the fight against diseases such as arthritis.