The 5 miraculous properties of peaches

Supermarkets and markets have started overflowing with spring harvest fruits, and peaches are inevitably present among them.
Peaches enchant us with their pleasant aroma and sweetness, but in fact they have many useful properties that strengthen our body.
These fruits are low in calories, one peach contains about 58 calories. Peaches are rich in proteins, vitamin C, A, E, K, iron, potassium and what not.
Peaches are rich in antioxidants, and freshly squeezed juice is quickly absorbed by the body and has an immediate effect. Here are the five most outstanding properties of these fruits that we should not ignore!

Improves digestion - One medium-sized peach contains about 2 grams of fiber, half of which is soluble and the other half is insoluble. The insoluble ones help better digestion and are a good remedy for constipation, while the soluble ones stimulate the work of the bacteria responsible for maintaining the functions in the digestive tract.

They fight against allergies - Substances that are contained in peaches are one of the biggest opponents of spring allergies, so if you have an intolerance to fresh spring grasses and flowers, consume more peaches in any form. When the body is attacked by allergens, it releases histamine, whose function is to fight against them. However, histamine is responsible for symptoms such as itching, sneezing and coughing. To get rid of these troubles, peaches will be a great option.

Makes skin softer - Peach extracts can often be found in face and body creams. Not by chance. The substances contained in peaches help to keep the skin hydrated.

Lowers blood sugar levels - Peaches are often recommended as a preventive measure to protect against diabetes. They are sweet, healthy and a great alternative to waffles and chocolate.
Strengthens immunity - The rich alliance of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that the peach has is a great way to strengthen our immune system. This way we will protect ourselves from seasonal colds and viruses