Tamarind - what health benefits it brings 8 healthy properties of the exotic fruit Tamarind is a delicious, both sweet and sour fruit.

They call it the Indian date. It is believed to have originated from Central and East Africa, as well as the island of Madagascar. Some researchers suggest that the tamarind tree was brought to Africa from India. Today, its cultivation is widespread in almost all tropical regions of the earth. The plant is lush with evergreen leaves. The fruits develop into pods. They can be eaten raw, added to desserts, dried or grated as a sprinkling. It is often added to jams and sweets made in exotic countries. Tamarind has amazing health benefits.
What nutrients does tamarind contain?
Among the valuable components in the composition of tamarind are vitamins C, E and B, as well as the minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, fiber. Tamarind is very rich in antioxidants, which makes it perfect in fighting inflammation and the formation of tumor cells.
What are the most important health benefits of tamarind?
Improves digestion
Tamarind has a laxative effect and relieves constipation. It contains a huge amount of fiber, which regulates the metabolism, stimulates peristalsis of the intestines and frees them from toxins.
The fiber in tamarind has the property of contributing to the reduction of accumulated fatty tissue in the abdominal area.
For a healthy heart
Tamarind has cholesterol-lowering properties that help the heart function. Blood vessels remain clean and protected from plaque build-up caused by high bad cholesterol.
Improves blood circulation
Since tamarind is a very good source of iron, it improves not only blood circulation but also the supply of oxygen and nutrients thanks to it. It is useful for people with anemia, as well as for those suffering from weakness, fatigue, headaches, cognitive disorders, stomach problems.
Improves the function of the nervous system
B vitamins are responsible for the nervous system. They improve its function and nerve conduction. Tamarind is very rich in B vitamins. They also help in muscle development, maintain reflexes and increase energy levels.
It helps in losing weight
One of the active compounds in tamarind is hydroxycitric acid. According to research, it is associated with the reduction of adipose tissue, as it suppresses the enzymes responsible for storing fat in the body.
Controls diabetes
In addition to suppressing the accumulation of fat, tamarind has another inhibitory property - it suppresses the enzyme alpha-amylase, which interferes with the absorption of carbohydrates. Thus, the risks of developing diabetes are significantly reduced.
Anti-inflammatory action
The antioxidants in tamarind suppress inflammation and fight free radicals. This property helps with non-purulent inflammations, arthritis, rheumatoid conditions, gout, intestinal inflammations.
Increases immunity
The large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants in tamarind increase immune defenses and successfully fight viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microbes attacking the body.