Tangerines - Christmas, fragrant and very useful

Tangerines are the fruits of winter.

Even in August, it will feel like Christmas if you smell mandarins somewhere.

Orange like the sun, these fruits help us get through the winter healthier and more beautiful.

Like all citrus fruits, tangerines are no exception as a valuable source of vitamin C, which strengthens immunity and protects the body from respiratory infections. In addition, tangerines speed up the metabolism and are a reliable helper for weight loss. Experts recommend eating at least two tangerines a day to avoid stress and easy colds.

Tangerines are a great product for oral health. The presence of potassium in them reduces the inflammatory processes of the gums and teeth.

These citrus fruits contain the substance choline, which supports the work of the liver, and this is especially important with the approaching holidays, when most of us will overindulge in food and alcohol consumption.

Folic acid in tangerines reduces stress levels and optimizes brain functions.

Mandarin essential oil is rich in antioxidants, which is good news for keeping our skin looking youthful and beautiful.