The Multiple Benefits of Garlic

The garlic contains phosphorus, calcium, iron, sulphur, chlorine, аllicin and allylcysteine. It is beneficial to those suffering from diabetes - a disease that can cause harm to the kidneys, the nervous system, the heart and the eyes. The garlic oil is useful in the treatment of thе side effects of diabetes.

Due to the the high content of allicin in it, the garlic prevents the oxygenation of bad cholesterol. Anyone with high levels of bad cholesterol should add  garlic to their menu.

It is useful in treating hypertension. If you have high blood pressure, remember that the allicin in garlic has a relaxing effect on the blood vessels. Garlic fights thrombosis as well.

The garlic is rich in selenium, quercetin and vitamin C, which help the healing of eye infections and diseases. If you experience pain in the ears, use garlic - it has antifunagal and antibiotic properties.  

The garlic treats dysentery, diarrhoea and colitis. It plays a phenomenal part in eliminating intestinal worms. Even though the garlic doesn't have any effect on the good bacteria in the stomach, it acts destructively on bad bacteria.

To alleviate colds and coughs eat raw garlic. At the onset eat 2 raw cloves. This will help you get rid of the disease faster.

The garlic helps to heal wounds, but it has to be mixed with water so that it doesn't irritate the skin. To stop the appearance of acne as well as to treat it, make a mask from garlic, honey, liquid cream and turmeric.

A cup of milk with three cloves of garlic boiled in it brings relief to those suffering from asthma.

The garlic is very beneficial when consumed raw. Even a single clove of garlic daily is immensely beneficial.  If you use  garlic in your dishes, add it in the last moment so that you don't lose its valuable properties.