Fresh and aromatic strawberries fight spring fatigue

In spring we all get that feeling of tiredness and lack of sleep typical for the season. It is caused by the so called springtime lethargy which is further aggravated by the stress of shifting from winter to summer time when moving the clock an hour forward.

There is, however, a wonderful and refreshing fruit that usually floods the markets in spring that you probably did not realize could make you feel much more energetic and fit to work. The beautiful and aromatic strawberry is the first fruit we welcome after the cold and gloomy winter. It is so fresh and sweet due to numerous components that are very important for our system. Believe it or not, the strawberries are richer in vitamin C than the oranges. They also contain a lot of folic acid and that already makes them indispensable. The combination of vitamin C, vitamin B12 and folic acid in high amounts makes miracles by doing away with the spring fatigue and strengthening our system. Eat just a bowl of 6-7 strawberries a day for a week and you will have the results!  

The strawberries are fat free and low in calories. That makes them suitable even for the overweight and those living with diabetes. What is more, it has been proved that the pectin in them slows down the absorption of sugars.

Without a doubt, however, the best way to fight off springtime lethargy is to eat 6-7 thoroughly washed fresh and aromatic strawberries in the months of April and May. Thus, you will not only be able to beat the springtime fatigue but you will have also completed a good preventive maintenance and cleansing of your system.