The kiwi may be women's perfect fruit!

This extraordinary fruit can help reduce weight. It has amazing properties that keep you in good health and preserve your beauty and youth.

The kiwi is exceptionally good for health! It comes from China and is named after the kiwi bird that it looks like.

Here is why you should eat kiwis regularly:

1 . A kiwi a day provides the necessary daily amount of vitamin C, which supports the immune system, blood vessels and the overall ability of the body to fight all kinds of infections and stress.

2 . The kiwi improves peristalsis. It is enough to consume two kiwis a day for that.

3 . If you have overeaten and feel heaviness in the stomach simply have a kiwi.

4 . A research conducted by Norwegian scientists showed that the fruit can burn the fat amassed on the walls of arteries, which reduces the risk of blood clot formation.

5 . If you eat a kiwi three times a day, you can reduce your blood pressure.

6 . The consumption of kiwis can prevent many fatal diseases, especially those we are at high risk of today, such as atherosclerosis, cardiovascular insufficiency, Alzheimer's, cancer and Parkinson's.

7 . The skin of the kiwi contains more antioxidants than its flesh. It has antiseptic properties and can stop the spread of harmful bacteria in the stomach. If you decide to eat the skin, make sure to wash it thoroughly.

8 .The vitamin C in a kiwi is ten times as much as in a lemon.

9 . The kiwi juice is a real gift of God to use in a diet. It is low in calories, contains little sugar, is almost completely free of fats, but at the same is full of vitamins and minerals. The juice can regulate sugar levels - something very useful to diabetic patients. It also helps the body fight viruses (due to the vitamins B1 and E in it), helps reduce cholesterol, betters the blood count, retains calcium in the bones, strengthens the immune system and improves the appearance of the skin.

10. The kiwi is much more efficient compared to the grapefruit in burning and disintegrating fat mass. It helps the body absorb food (proteins and fats) and at the same time to detoxify.

Don't forget about the kiwi when you are at the greengrocery. You will be well rewarded!