Tangerines in winter

Like all other citrus fruits, the tangerines are no exception in being a valuable source of vitamin C which boost our immunity and prevents respiratory infections. Besides that, tangerines speed up metabolism and are a reliable aid in reducing weight. Specialists recommend two tangerines a day to fight stress and colds.

Tangerines are a wonderful product for the health of the oral cavity. The potassium in them reduces the inflammatory processes of the gums and teeth.

They contain the substance choline which supports the function of the liver. That is very important with view to the coming holidays when most of us are likely to eat and drink more than usual.

The folic acid in tangerines reduces the levels of stress and optimizes the function of the brain.

And the essential oil from tangerines is rich in antioxidants which is good news about being able to keep our skin beautiful and youthful.