The benefits of grapes

If you eat grapes regularly you would know the difference - the lack of extreme nervous tension, a feeling of lightness in the stomach and not experiencing migraines and common headaches. There is a remarkable number of health benefits that grapes bring. Even chronic constipation is alleviated when grapes are added to the treatment. What's more, a cluster of grapes a day not only helps indigestion, but also fights tiredness and is beneficial in conditions such as impaired function of the kidneys and macular degeneration, as well as prevention of cataract development.

Grapes have a very high and varied content of nutrients and therefore play an important role in undertaking a healthy and energetic lifestyle. That is due to the high content of the vitamins A, C and B6, as well as folic acid which hide in both the dark and bright berries and add to essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. 200 gr of grapes bring to the body a bomb of flavonoids (very powerful antioxidants that reduce the damage caused by free radicals and stop ageing).

If you are suffering from a migraine, grape juice is your trusty ally that serves as an easy and effective remedy for migraines at home. Drink a glass of the juice early in the morning without adding water.

Grapes also play an important role in indigestion by relieving the burning sensation and reducing the inflammation of the stomach. Being light food, they are recommended in cases of gastrointestinal diseases.

Grapes are very effective in constipation because they reduce the bloating and feeling of heaviness. They are considered laxative food particularly because of their high content of natural acids, sugar and cellulose.

All these benefits make grapes valuable for our general well-being.

A cluster of grapes a day banishes fatigue. The light-coloured grape juice stores up iron in the body and fends off the feeling of weakness. It is good to know, though, that dark grapes reduce iron levels.

Grapes are beneficial to the kidneys as well because they can lower the acidity of uric acid and help release it from our systems.