The Banana is Excellent Food for Children

Every child loves bananas. Besides being tasty and sweet the best part is that they are pure medicine. On top of that you can easily find them on the market and at an affordable price.

Choose your bananas carefully, especially for children - the good banana is ripe, with a yellow peel, there might be some little brown specks, but the pulp should be clear without signs of decay.

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It is true that bananas are caloric (89 calories per 100 g), as most of the sweet fruit. But the carbohydrates in it are combined with lots of fibers that slow down the digestion. These are the so-called slow carbs. This makes the deviation of the blood sugar slow. The banana is ideal for a morning snack - keeps the hunger away for a long time. Of course, you should not get carried away with the number of bananas consumed.